
So I see you clicked a little link that brought you here to all things me! So let me explain.

I started this blog because my friends & family are always asking my advice on all things babies, events, and home. So I thought sharing some of my hobbies could be fun and possibly useful to other people. Before becoming a Mom I always wanted the newest bags and boots, and now I’m hunting down stylish strollers and Playscape’s.

My husband Nicholas and I have two beautiful little girls that we are truly blessed with. Through them I have unveiled many talents I did not know existed. I am really talkative/outgoing and being home with them, I tend to lose myself and miss having great discussions that don’t involve Elmo or Disney Princess’.

I love to eat, host gatherings and I am always up for a good time. I am constantly doing my research on new baby items and events that will help get through my days with the kids! So here I am to lend a helping hand, or an extra opinion.. if you’d like it.

So welcome, enjoy your time looking around and stay tuned!




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